Physio Blogfrom the team at South Coast Physiotherapy


Displaying items by tag: Ashley Clinch

Sunday, 13 August 2017 10:41

Golf with Ashley Clinch

How do you practice golf? If you have a regular job, with a family your time would be limited. Play on the weekend, practice after work one night a week in winter if you are lucky.
Do you go to the range and hit a bucket or 3? Is that helping you improve? Most likely not. Tee it up, hit it, tee it up again, hit it.

Ask yourself honestly what would improve your golf game?

I know for me at the moment my putting needs to improve to shoot lower scores. I need to make more putts in the 6 to 12 foot range. Tour pros make around 65% of putts from 6 feet and 30% from 10 to 15 feet.

So my plan is 3 fold to improve my putting

  1. check in with my coach to see that my technique is sound.
  2. work on my mindset - yes even a psychologist can improve on this.
  3. work on some practice drills on the putting green to help in this range - the Spieth/McCormack gateway drill is a good one i have seen recently.

What is your plan for improvement? Contact me to book in for a Performance session.

Published in Physiotherapy Blog
Sunday, 13 August 2017 10:37

Frustrated by Golf?

Published in News