It is all about…YOU I have been posting on Instagram recently about choices and accountability and wish to share these thoughts with you as come this time of year we can so easily become just so BUSY and we often put our selves at the bottom of the list. I used to ask myself why I did this, always rushing around, trying to fit too much in or pleasing everyone else. I now challenge myself to be accountable. I no longer feel guilty about handing dinner over to my partner why I go to the gym. Or block out a busy time on my schedule to sit down to do admin or even just have a hot coffee. I can proudly say I am getting better about making the right choices, for me. Is it selfish? Maybe. Though I ask, if I don’t make this time in my life for what I value, then is it not giving a little piece of myself away each time? I become obsessed with justifying and burn the candle at both ends. What next, I become tired, anxious and sick? SO I ask, is that not selfish of others to ask I give them so much of me? I could provide you a number of examples of how we constantly do this to ourselves or I can discuss some ideas on how to reduce the frequency of this happening instead. You will need a pen, paper and at least 5 minutes… What is important to you? Right now, in your life. The top 3-5 things you are grateful for? Identify the values associated with these. Now ask, does ‘choice’ align with my values? a. Yes = positive choice b. NO = rethink this choice Being mindful of what choices I make, knowing what values…