Sunday, 09 August 2020 08:33

COVID Update - Stage 4 Restrictions

The South Coast Physiotherapy team is hoping everyone is keeping well and staying safe during these difficult times. This is a run down of what our clinic will be offering over this lock down period. We will remain open through this 6 week Stage 4 lockdown with alterations in line with the latest DHHS guidelines. Face to face appointments will only be available: if it is considered essential and where not receiving Physiotherapy intervention is likely to lead to a significant deterioration to health to avoid a hospital or Emergency Department admission Brad, James and Len will all be available for face to face appointments under the criteria listed above and are also available for Telehealth consultations which are recommended at this time. Raquel and Sen are continuing to see their neuro patients but utilizing Telehealth where possible. Further information on our Telehealth service is available on our website here. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause but know that our patents will understand the importance of complying with the guidelines that we are given through this next 6 weeks.
Sunday, 12 July 2020 11:14

COVID 19 - Lockdown 2.0

With the recent return to stage 3 restrictions we have further increased our infection control policy with all clinicians now wearing face masks during consultations. We will also continue to implement our increased sanitization and social distancing policies. These include having hand wash available for patients as they enter the building, staying in your car until your appointment time and encouraging friends or relatives of patients to not enter the waiting room unless assistance is required or the patient is a minor. Patients should not attend the clinic if they have any cold of flu like symptoms We are remaining open with Brad, James and Len all available for face to face appointments. Raquel and Sen are continuing to treat their neuro clients and are using Telehealth when able. Telehealth appointments are available for all patients and we encourage patients to use this if feeling uncomfortable with a face to face consultation or as an alternative if suffering from cold or flu type symptoms. As Physiotherapy is considered an essential service we feel it is important to continue working and reduce the load on GP and ED services. Thank you once again for your understanding during this Pandemic.
Sunday, 24 May 2020 21:36


With the easing of COVID restrictions we have increased our face to face appointments with both Brad and James openings up more sessions. We are maintaining all of our increased sanitisation and social distancing policies and encourage patients, where possible, to wait in their car until their appointment time and to attend the appointment alone unless assistance or chaperone is needed. As yet we are unable to offer any massage or psychology services but will endeavour to do so as soon as we can. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your understanding through these unprecedented times.
Sunday, 05 April 2020 13:15


It is fair to say that COVID-19 has forced changes to both our local and global society that would have been hard to imagine 3 months ago. Our new ‘normal’ seems to be changing on a daily basis. For South Coast Physiotherapy we are embracing our role as an essential service while at the same time ensuring that we are not putting patients and staff at risk. Last week our Premier, Daniel Andrews, introduced a stage 3 level of restrictions in an attempt to reduce the number of cases and flatten the curve. This means that although we are an essential service we have decided to alter how the clinic will be run through this period to keep in line with these restrictions. Our main focus is to significantly reduce the number of face to face treatments. To achieve this there will only be 1 physiotherapist practising each day who will be seeing only essential or emergency consultations. Therefore if you have been contacted and had your appointment postponed we do apologise and we will work hard to rearranged your appointment once these restrictions are lifted. If you feel your symptoms have deteriorated please do not hesitate to contact the clinic and your physiotherapist will discuss ongoing management over the phone which may well lead to an in rooms appointment being made. We will also be continuing to utilise our new Telehealth appointments and working on helping patients to transfer onto this symptom as much as possible There will be ongoing updates about our Telehelth service through our website but please feel free to contact your physiotherapist or reception staff if you would like further information.
Thursday, 26 March 2020 11:00

Telehealth Consults

South Coast Physiotherapy are now offering a Telehealth service. This is a remote physiotherapy service where we are able to administer a consult through a secure video link. This is perfect if you are in self-isolation or if you are trying to minimise contact during this pandemic. The digital technology that is used with these Telehealth appointments is readily available on the majority of home computers and smart phones. It is safe and effective, and our physios are trained to deliver telehealth consultations. Telehealth appointments can be booked on-line or through our receptionists.
Saturday, 21 March 2020 20:09

Coronavirus Update

There will be changes at our clinic this week in line with the current increased Coronavirus precautions. These will be on top of the current recommendations that we have already implemented such as: Do not attend the clinic if unwell. Do not attend the clinic if travelled overseas in last 14 days or been in contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case. Wash hands with sanitizing hand gel on arrival. No visitors or extra persons to the appointment unless required for health or chaperone reasons. Extra precautions starting this week will include: 1.5m Social Distancing in the reception area and at the front desk. There is a line marked on the floor in front of the desk and for the safety of our staff we would appreciate all clients and visitors to cross the line only when making a payment. All payments to be made by card. If you have arrived early, please wait in your car or outside the clinic until your appointment time to minimise the time spent in our waiting area. To achieve minimum contact therapists will endeavour to limit hands on treatment where possible and wear protective gear when necessary. Regular cleaning of treatment rooms, reception and gym areas. Introducing a remote telehealth consultation option where assessments and consults can be performed from your own home We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their understanding during this time and that we will do our best to continue to provide a service whilst working under our professional body’s and the governments recommendations to ensure the safety of yourselves and our staff. James Gasper, Brad Poyser and Raquel Poyser South Coast Physiotherapy
It is all about…YOU I have been posting on Instagram recently about choices and accountability and wish to share these thoughts with you as come this time of year we can so easily become just so BUSY and we often put our selves at the bottom of the list. I used to ask myself why I did this, always rushing around, trying to fit too much in or pleasing everyone else. I now challenge myself to be accountable. I no longer feel guilty about handing dinner over to my partner why I go to the gym. Or block out a busy time on my schedule to sit down to do admin or even just have a hot coffee. I can proudly say I am getting better about making the right choices, for me. Is it selfish? Maybe. Though I ask, if I don’t make this time in my life for what I value, then is it not giving a little piece of myself away each time? I become obsessed with justifying and burn the candle at both ends. What next, I become tired, anxious and sick? SO I ask, is that not selfish of others to ask I give them so much of me? I could provide you a number of examples of how we constantly do this to ourselves or I can discuss some ideas on how to reduce the frequency of this happening instead. You will need a pen, paper and at least 5 minutes… What is important to you? Right now, in your life. The top 3-5 things you are grateful for? Identify the values associated with these. Now ask, does ‘choice’ align with my values? a. Yes = positive choice b. NO = rethink this choice Being mindful of what choices I make, knowing what values…
Sunday, 02 September 2018 09:00

We are now a fully Registered NDIS provider

The National Disability Insurnace Scheme (NDIS) offers government support for people with disability, their families and carers. South Coast Physiotherpy is now fully registered with NDIS allowing us to provide physiotherapy services to those eligible.
After working between Pinnacle Physiotherapy in Mornington and here at South Coast for the last 4 years James has now joined us full time. It is definitely a case of Mornignton’s loss and our gain to have a Physiotherapist of James’ experience to join us on a full time basis. James has over 10 years experience in private practice and has been working on the Peninusla since 2009. On top of seeing his patients in the clinic he has provided sports physio to different Peninsula teams and athletes as well as develop a full understanding of the workcover and TAC systems ensuring patients get back to their work and recreational activities. James will be availble on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will be working an evening shift every Monday.
Sunday, 13 August 2017 10:37

Frustrated by Golf?

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